

In order to achieve SoPHIA´s objectives, a set of outputs have been identified:

1. Research

Survey of existing research and related policies and essay mapping of gaps, issues and problems.

This report will present the current situation and foreseen trends, reviewing the research literature and policy programmes in the four domains under consideration (social, cultural, environmental, economic) relating to impact assessment and interventions in European cultural heritage. It will allow for a contrast between the kind of assessment done and the kind of policies developed. After collecting comments and contributions of the community of practice, an essay will identify and analyze the gaps, issues and problems. Expected date of publication on this Website is May 2020 for the report and June for the essay.

Report of the analysis of case studies and final version of the impact assessment model.

The map of best (and poor) practices and the report of the analysis of the case studies, with the inclusion of 12 of them, will be used to refine the impact assessment model. The expected dates of publication of the map is October 2020, the report in March 2021 and the model in April 2021.

2.    Meetings

First Workshop with Advisory Board and Stakeholders. The Athens Virtual Workshop, June 25 and July 2, 2020. Synthetic summary of the debates at the first workshop

This summary presents the results of the first workshop organized in the framework of SoPHIA. The workshop will convene a group of participants from the SoPHIA research, practitioners and policy stakeholders´ network as well as from the advisory board to exchange and discuss on the initial research carried out within the project.

Stakeholders´ Virtual Conference, April 21-22, 2021. Synthetic summary of the debates at the Conference

This summary will present the results of the debates and working groups at the stakeholders´ conference. Expected date to be published on this Website is May 2021.

Second Workshop with Advisory Board and Stakeholders. Dublin, September 23-24, 2021. Synthetic summary of the debates at the second workshop

This summary, to be made available on this Website, will present the results of the second workshop organized in the frame of SoPHIA. It will convene a group of participants from the SoPHIA research, practitioners and policy stakeholders´ network as well as from the advisory board to exchange and discuss on the policy briefs.

Final Public Conference. Rome, December 16-17, 2021. Synthetic summary of the debates at the Conference

The summary will present the results of the conference, aimed at validating key policy issues on the previously identified relevant topics throughout the project in regards to the impact of interventions on cultural heritage in the four domains for strategic research agendas and guidelines for policy interventions. The summary is expected to be published on this Website in January 2022.

3.    Recommendations an agenda setting

SoPHIA toolkit for stakeholders and heritage practitioners

SoPHIA aims at socializing the results of the activities carried out through the provision of useful material intended mainly for practitioners. The toolkit will include the impact assessment model, best practices identified, and report on the analysis and research outcomes of SoPHIA in a concise form. Expected date to be published is August 2021.

SoPHIA policy briefs and guidelines

SoPHIA will formulate four recommendations through policy briefs focusing on the cultural impact, social, environmental and economic (to be published in November 2021), as well as guidelines for an action plan on the EU future action regarding operational programmes and public policies and a report on the future needs and research agenda (January 2022)

4.    Communication

SoPHIA Website

SoPHIA has set up this Website as a repository of the information and activities related to the project. The SoPHIA Website is understood as a source of information and meeting place for those interested in the work of the Social Platform and in the research topics the project addresses. Information is also made available to all those interested in the themes tackled by SoPHIA through a dedicated Facebook page, a Twitter account and a LinkedIn profile.

SoPHIA Newsletters

A series of 12 newsletters are foreseen, informing about updates on SoPHIA current activities, achievements, results and publications, including opinions of key experts´ not formally attached to SoPHIA and revealing the next steps within the project. The news alerts will be published on the Website and also made available to all the stakeholders of the social platform.


(Please note that, due to the constraints under the COVID-19 situation, the expected dates to produce and publish the outcomes might be delayed)