Filopappou Hill

Filopappou Hill

Filopappou Hill lies next to the Acropolis and forms a natural and cultural landmark for the city of Athens. It consists of three distinct bodies including the Hill of the Muses, the Hill of the Nymphs, and the Pnyx, the latter known as the birthplace of the ancestor of what is modern day democracy. Known also for the much-appreciated contemporary landscape interventions, pathways, and resting areas, assemblages of antique marble, debris from the demolitions of neoclassical buildings and cement by architect Dimitris Pikionis.  As a lung of oxygen and a swath of nature with rich biodiversity in an otherwise densely built city, it was pronounced by the Council (2015) an archaeological site and a public place of recreation, and "well-being", for exercising sports and reflecting upon history and beauty. The challenge today is the management of the diverse cultural heritage with different needs of openness and protection, and the production of a contemporary narrative and vision for the future of the Hill as an integral part of the history, the environment and society of Athens.

[Credits of the pictures: Filoppapou Hill © Nicholas Anastasopoulos]

Case Study: Filopappou Hill
Location: Athens, Greece
Data availability: Good
Stage of the case: On-going
Type of cultural heritage: Monument / Place of Remembrance, Archaeological, Cultural Good or Object, Intangible, Project, Programme, Landmark
Funding / Type of recognition: International / Global level, European level, National level, Regional / Local level, Private
Type of initiation: Policy-driven, Civil society-driven
Financial dimension value: Small (<1 mio €)
Physical dimension: Large (area)


Rich cultural and environmental landscape, active citizenship


Fragmentation, Inadequate maintenance, Lack of a holistic comprehension



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