Jamtli National Museum

Jamtli National Museum

The case of Nationalmuseum Jamtli is about a joint regional, national, and European investment in establishing a satellite art museum for the Swedish National Gallery. The satellite came to be located in a developing region in Northern Scandinavia in an area with a relatively small population but well known for tourists. The satellite museum is an original collaboration between a state run national museum with world renowned collections, and a regional semi-private museum which is well-known for the pedagogical offers and public popularity. The case is interesting as it is placed within the perspective of different initiatives to stimulate the large government owned institutions – predominantly located in the country’s capital Stockholm – to engage and possibly be visible in the whole country. That has been almost impossible for museums because of demands for security, and little has happened. In some respects the development has actually gone the opposite direction as security demands and costs since 2010 has even been the main factor for the national museums to offer and arrange temporary exhibitions outside Stockholm.

[Credit of the pictures are from left to right: “Beginning of the construction” /  “Entrance” / “New building from the air I” / “New building from the air II” / "Pedagogical actors" ©Jamtli Museum)

Case Study: Jamtli National Museum
Location: Östersund, Sweden
Data availability: Good
Stage of the case: Finished
Type of cultural heritage: Museum / Documentary
Funding / Type of recognition: European level, National level, Regional / Local level
Type of initiation: Policy-driven, Civil society-driven
Financial dimension value: Medium (1-10 mio €)
Physical dimension: Medium (group of buildings)


ERDF regional in a weak corner of Europe

Richness, across all 4 domains



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